The service uptime for every cloud web hosting account is of significant importance. If you use a server that has regular problems and your site is not available for extended periods of time, it is more likely that site visitors won't return. Provided you have an online store, for instance, it will mean lost customers and less financial gain. Your websites can even get penalized by search engines like google with lower rankings irrespective of how good their content is. To protect yourself from this type of scenario, you should always ensure that the hosting service you get is stable. In this way, the success of your website will depend solely on its content and your marketing and advertising campaigns and will not be affected by hosting-related variables that you have got no control over.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting

Using a cloud web hosting account through our company, you can enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We've basically got rid of the downtime due to the fact that we use an advanced cloud hosting platform and we don't manage everything on a single web server as the vast majority of suppliers do. Instead, we run every single service on a separate set of web servers, so your files, e-mails, databases, and so on, are going to be managed by independent web servers. This way, we're able to also balance the load way more efficiently and guarantee the stable performance of your sites at all times. The accessibility of the web servers is guaranteed by a couple of backbone Internet providers and diesel backup generators, so your websites will be working no matter what. We also have experts checking the servers round the clock, which includes weekends & holidays, and they will take care of any unanticipated issue that may appear.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We guarantee 99.9% uptime for each and every semi-dedicated server plan acquired through our company. You can forget all about about your Internet site being offline for whatever reason since we employ a top-notch cloud hosting platform with a custom-built load balancing system. As opposed to handling everything on a single web server and risking one service to take everything down, we have now spread the many services among their own sets of web servers. Put simply, your files, database, e-mail messages, stats, and so on, are addressed by different clusters, hence the failure of one web server will have no effect on the overall service or on your Internet websites. Several backbone Internet providers and diesel-powered backup generators guarantee that infrastructural problems won't affect your websites either. We have software and hardware firewalls as well as a qualified team of administrators to monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic and to respond to each software issue 24/7.

Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS

When you obtain a Virtual Private Server from us, we warrant that the physical hosting server your account is set up on is going to be working at least 99.9% of the time. While we are unable to control what you will do with your Virtual Private Server and what you set up on it, we are going to make certain that the main web server is going to work 24/7 without interruptions. Our facilities have a number of Internet providers and backup generators to guarantee the constant work of all web servers accommodated there. If you experience a difficulty with any virtual server on the physical one, we've got a crew of skilled administrators to resolve it in a very timely manner and to to guarantee the other virtual private server accounts within that web server won't be affected. We use only new, thoroughly tested hardware components for all the web servers where new virtual accounts are set up.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Hosting

Our dedicated packages feature a 99.9% web server and network uptime warranty and repairs and maintenance procedures are contained in the other .01% of the time. We test every server diligently before we hand it over to the customer and we use new hardware components to avoid any prospect of hardware failures. Any unexpected software troubles are going to be resolved right away by our system administrators as they keep track of all the web hosting servers 24/7. In order to avoid infrastructural difficulties, our data center facility in downtown Chicago uses powerful diesel backup generators, while the online connectivity to the machines is ensured by redundant fiber lines from several backbone Internet providers. To be on the safe side, we've got software and hardware firewalls, so even if your websites are flooded, we can take action immediately and filter the excess traffic before it reaches your dedicated server and interferes with the proper functioning of your web sites.